Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Primary Styles of Love

In this post I am going to expand on primary styles of love. There are currently three primary love styles. These styles are eros, storge and ludus. Eros is the most passionate type love. For example, a person who has eros is absolutely head over the heels over their significant other and are just infatuated by him or her. According to Wood, "erotic lovers are likely to self-disclose early in a relationship, be very sentimental and fall in love fast," (p. 280). Storge is love based on friendship and compatibility. In addition, storge love builds gradually and are usually stable. I think my two good friends Trevor and Alexandria have a storge relationship because they have been friends since 3rd grade and they both acted on their feelings for each other and both of them are very happy. The last style of primary love is ludus. Ludus is described as playful love. Ludus lovers treat love as games and love getting caught in the mystery and mind games of love. However, ludus love can be deceitful and deceptive because the person sees love as a fun and not a relationship to develop. Ludus lovers are not looking for a committment just a good type. So those are three styles of primary love.
-Sir Keithington

1 comment:

  1. Sir Keithington,
    Reading your post this week was great! I had not yet looked over this section in the book about styles of live but I definitely learned as much as the book would have taught me. If I have to say the type of love my boyfriend and I were in, it would probably be storage, because we did in fact start out as friends and then we grew romantically into an actual committed relationship. Most long term relationships seem to be in this type of love category because they seem to be much more solid and strong, as opposed to just jumping into the relationship just to have someone by your side. The same goes for ludus love, and individuals liking the game and mental aspect of relationships, and it seems it too cannot be one that is very stable.
