Sunday, April 29, 2012


Over the next 50 years marriage is going to change dramatically. In today's generation people are getting married and starting families at an earlier age. In past, getting marriage and starting family was a process but today it does not seem like that at all. I remember my mom getting married right after she graduated college and started having children after a few years getting established on the job. Additionally, I think marriage will be conducted online since we are fast paced society and the obstacle of planning a wedding becoming tiresome. More so, I think less people will be married because I see more divorce occurring throughout the years and I just couples in domestic partnerships because I sometimes feel the concept of marriage threatens an relation or can be scary of the couple involved. Futhrermore, I think in 50 years gays and lesbians will be able to get married legally because nobody is not going to care if their married because because marriage does not have the same impact that it did 50 years ago. In the past marriage was a symbol of love and family but not marriage is tiresome and irrelevant and that is pretty sad. 
-Sir Keithington


  1. It's interesting that you brought this up as how marriage is going to change in the next 50 years. This is because I completely agree with you since I wrote about the same aspects as you did. I also believe that couples are getting married at a much quicker rate than couples used to. I feel that they just rush into it without really knowing what they are getting into. This tends to lead to more divorced couples that regret getting into marriages that were not going to work out in the beginning. Marriage is a bond between people that truly know they want to be together forever, and I find it insulting and damaging to the factors that make up a marriage.

  2. I have to agree with you about marriage changing drastically. I also think that marriage is not as valued as it once was. We both thought that marriage would become less common since the marriage rate is already declining. While we both think the rate will decline, I thought you brought up an interesting idea about marriage being conducted online due to our fast paced society. This could be a definite possibility especially because we are developing new technologies and using video chatting more frequently. This would make it really easy to have all your guests present (they could view it from anywhere in the world) and it would be cost efficient!

  3. I really enjoyed this blog because I never realized how drastic marriage as changed and how drastic it WILL change in the future. You mentioned that you predict marriage will probably even be done online and I wouldn't disagree with that because of how technologically savvy/efficient we are today, we will be that much more technologically equipped even in the next decade to come. It's true how you mentioned people get married faster now and most of the time for the wrong reasons. I like how you mentioned before marriage was about love and family but now that's all changed. The divorce rate is higher, and people specifically teens start families too young and before marriage. Back then that wasn't what marriage was about, values and traditions have changed drastically throughout the years. It'll be scary to see what will come within the generations among us, seeing how corrupted it is now these days.

  4. Keithington-
    I totally agree with you. One thing that I highlighted was the idea of gay marriage. I too believe in 50 years our society will not be so focused on the idea of same sex couples but more so focused on whatever problem we have during that time. I do feel like the divorce rate is higher due to the amount of teens getting married because they became pregnant or they felt it was the right thing to do. It so crazy how much things change with years, I know for my family marriage came later, then it was the pregnancy or the planned kids which is not what marriage is like today. I do still believe that for some of us the values and traditions of marriage remain the same.
