Monday, March 19, 2012

Confirming and Disconfirming Climate

After reading the section of confirming and disconfirming I do find myself to disagree with other people. I think if I disagree with one my peers it feels like I am not supporting them. The book mentions three ways to confirm and disconfirm something and that is recognition, acknowledgement and endorsement.  When friend talks about something that I personally disagree with I just stare out a window or be silence. That's an example of recognition. Another form of confirmation is acknowledgement. We show acknowledgement by agreeing with the person and paraphrasing their words. An example of disconfirming acknowledgment occurs when you acknowledge their issue but do not paraphrase their idea of that issue. For instance, my friend is mad because he think he failed the SAT's and then I'll ask I wonder how are other friend did on the SAT. The last form of confirmation is endorsement. According to Wood, endorsement is "accepting another's feelings and thought. This is different from endorsing ideas because supporting a cause or issue as with confirming others is endorsing their believes and feelings on that topic. Overall, I found this sections very intriguing because it taught me non-verbal cues that I am not aware of when I am agreeing or disagreeing with a person. Know I know that I constantly sue endorsement, acknowledgment and recognition in order to agree or disagree with a person within a conversation.
-Sir Keithington


  1. Hey there! I also find that I disagree with a lot of people too after I read this section. I think I do some of these things unintentionally but now I realize what I am doing. One thing I realize I do a lot, or not do a lot is recognition. When I feel like I don’t get along with them anymore I tend to ignore them. I believe that it is hard to confirm other at times because I think as humans we tend to be mean with our words and actions. By overall I realized after reading this section, like you, I became more aware of the non-verbal speech that I make towards other people. Good post! Keep it up!

  2. I struggle with confirming a lot of the time too. I don’t really like to give up my opinion, so when someone says something I disagree with I either ignore it or make them feel like it is invalid. I didn’t even realize what I was doing until I went over this chapter. I thought it was nothing more than how I talked to people. Now I realize how everyone wants their thoughts and feelings to be valued and that it isn’t right for me to act as if they aren’t important. I’m going to try harder to be more open to others ideas.
